Rise and Shine! Tips on how to become a morning person and be happy doing it.

Are you a night owl who stays up really late, only to struggle in the morning and fully wake up at your computer around noon? The great news is only two in ten of us fall into the category of late night owls, while the rest fall somewhere in between. Even better, If you operate in the evening hours, you can still train yourself to be an early riser. Here are some tips to add more life to your day.. and hours.



First things first, why do you want to get up earlier? Make a list as to how it will help you throughout your day to have that extra hour or two. Place the list next to your bed, so it is the last thing you see at night and the first thing in the morning. This reflection will remind you of how much you can accomplish with this extra time.


Waking up grumpy and depressed about your day will ensure your hours are kept in that mood. The first thing you hear and see should be positive and motivational. Change your alarm to an upbeat positive song, for example: ‘DIAMONDS’ by Rihanna is an upbeat, fun song.  One of the first lyrics says “I choose to be happy”.  Yes, Happiness is a choice, and if these lyrics flow through your ears first thing in the morning, you will automatically think positively and the rest of your day will most likely move forward in a happier mood.


Now that we have the mental steps down, try these actually physical steps that will help you rise and shine:

a. Go to sleep earlier.

b. Read a book before falling asleep. This will help your brain to rest and not be so stimulated by laptops and television.

c. Drink herbal tea the night before like lavender or milk tea to relax your body and help you get a restful nights sleep (stay away from caffeinated teas)

4. When you wake in the morning, make sure you eat the best meal of your day. Breakfast will fuel your body and stimulate your brain while giving you lots of energy. A morning workout has also been known to help get your body flowing and ready for the work day.

A habit takes about 21 days to change, so try not to expect results overnight. Take it slowly and with time, you will find more hours in your day, accomplishing goals and increasing your happiness.

~ Tina


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